“It creates sustainable behavior change ,” said Francesca Sipma, Creator of HypnoBreathwork® .
“It’s powerful, fast and catalyzing when clarity is needed quickly, without relying on a therapist appointment”.
Registration for the event for non-military people is $111. Participants can register online at https://francescasipma.com/virtualsummit. All participants will receive a digital recording of the day, which occurs live from 9am – 2pm pst.
“One transformational breathwork session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy”. Dr. Henry Smith Rohrberg, psychotherapist.
HypnoBreathwork® is a cutting edge method using breathwork to clear energetic patterns, hypnosis to reprogram subconscious blocks, and visioning to create new neural pathways towards the life you want. This process allows us to access altered states of consciousness to rewire old stories, release past emotions and heal from the root.
Now, a powerful lineup of 6 specialty coaches are going to show participants how to optimize this tool to reduce anxiety + stress, heal from PTSD, create healthy habits & access optimal flow states.
“I’ve done years of therapy, reading, coaching, but this process has helped me make fundamental shifts in how I FEEL and OPERATE. It’s helped me unblock and let go of what I’ve held onto for decades.” – Tina Cheng, HypnoBreathwork® client.
“I’ve been processing emotions faster, having insane clarity and just getting to know myself on a level I’ve never thought possible.” – Caitlin Jones
Notes For Editors
SOURCE HypnoBreathwork