3 Tips for Understanding the Process of Construction Site Preparation

Site preparation is not such a fun and interesting process, but it is an important prerequisite for the rest of the construction work to be successful. This is the first step that ensures that every next step related to the construction work itself is optimized and leads you to the successful completion of the project. But what exactly is construction site preparation? It includes all the activities of professionals who ensure that the site is completely safe to work with and ready to carry out the project. Failure to clean and prepare the site for construction work can lead to adverse outcomes, such as failure to obtain the necessary building permits, delays in the execution of works, and damage to the company’s reputation. Here are 3 tips for understanding the process of construction site preparation.

1. Learn more about what exactly is construction site preparation

Source: asanduff.com

Construction site preparation includes all the steps that need to be taken so that engineers can start working smoothly on the implementation of a new project. The construction site preparation phase is of great value, as it is an important prerequisite for all other work to be successful. It includes the demolition of all existing buildings that are a nuisance to the building site and clearing of all unnecessary elements. It may also include some underground services, as well as site surveying and pest treatment. Basically, anything that can interfere with the success of the rest of the construction process in any way.

It also includes the process of excavating and removing excess earth from the site. At excavatingcontractorlosangeles.com/ you can find services that include removal of earth from the ground, transfer of earth from one site to another, backfilling of the earth to previously excavated spaces, and modification of sites according to individual needs of clients.

Failure to optimally prepare the construction site results in the postponement of the entire project, as well as numerous obstacles that could have been removed in time. The construction site preparation process itself consists of several key stages.

2. Find out about the steps of the construction site preparation

Soil testing phase

soil testing reduced
Source: partneresi.com

The first step in preparing a construction site is to examine the soil and obtain all the necessary information in order to make a clear conclusion as to whether the site is at all suitable for the design of buildings. Without soil testing, it is not possible to start designing, because there is a risk that everything will be in vain if the soil is not suitable.

Geotechnical testing of soil provides more information about the type of soil, its properties, as well as its bearing capacity. Keep in mind that sometimes the bearing capacity of the soil is not optimal, but that it does not have to be an obstacle to building on that location. Sometimes it is enough to just carry out a strengthening treatment to optimize the soil and allow further stages of the construction project.

Also, this testing phase will provide more information on slope stability, groundwater level, soil strength, its classification, and other important parameters

Construction site clearing

The second step in the process of preparing a construction site involves its thorough cleaning. This part of the process involves the removal of buildings and other structures located at the location where the new facility is planned. Sometimes a particular object on the site does not require complete demolition, but only repair, so this can also be done within this phase.

It also includes the tree removal and underground services aimed at eliminating the underground infrastructure that is redundant for that particular project. Cleaning the construction site also means removing termites and pests that could in some way interfere with the construction process and pose a danger. This cleaning phase is not very glamorous, but it is a high priority and is necessary for all other construction phases to run smoothly, so needs to be done in the right way.

Construction site layout and surveying

Source: progressivesurveysolutions.com

Once you have completed the previous steps it is time to focus on construction site layout and surveying. You want to make sure you build a new facility in the right place that is predetermined and marked with pegs or physical markets. In this way, the surveyor will accurately locate the boundaries of the new facility and thus provide the necessary information on where the access roads should be, what will be the locations of drainage systems, and more.

Construction site plan design

Now that the site is completely clean, the soil has been tested and a layout and surveying have been done, it is time to install all the necessary septic tanks and drainage. Once this is done, the design plan needs to be modified to include the installed elements. The design plan should also have recorded areas located underground. Execution of works on the construction site is a very dynamic process that involves the constant introduction of changes, so it is necessary that the design of the site plan is constantly adjusted. This plan should always be updated on the ground to make it easier to keep track of any modifications introduced and ensure that nothing is left out.

3. Keep in mind how long does the construction site preparation take

building a home
Source: newhomesource.com

The construction site preparation phase can have different durations, depending on several factors. The first factor is certainly the size of the project. When it comes to regular projects such as the construction of residential buildings, the preparation phase usually lasts between one and two months. If the project is a bit more complex, then the preparation process will take longer.

Another factor that affects the duration of the preparation of the construction site is the efficiency of the contractor, so make sure to choose professionals who will complete this in the shortest time, and the final result will be more than satisfactory.


The construction site preparation phase is not the most glamorous one, but it is vital for the rest of the construction work to run smoothly. It includes several steps: soil testing phase, construction site clearing, site layout, and surveying and construction site plan design. The whole preparation process usually takes between 1 and 2 months, but it can take longer when it comes to some more complex projects.