BlackRock® Canada Announces Estimated 2023 Annual Reinvested Capital Gains Distributions for Dynamic Active ETFs

TORONTO, Nov. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited (“BlackRock Canada”), an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE: BLK), today announced the estimated 2023 annual reinvested capital gains distributions for the Dynamic Active ETFs listed on the TSX. Please note that these are estimated capital gains amounts only, as of October 29, 2023. As these are estimated amounts, the final capital gains distributions may change by the Funds’ December 15, 2023 tax year-end.

These estimates are for the annual non-cash capital gains distributions, which are typically reinvested in additional units of the respective funds at the year-end, and do not include estimates of ongoing periodic (e.g. monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual) cash distribution amounts. The additional units will be immediately consolidated with the previously outstanding units such that the number of outstanding units following the distribution will equal the number of units outstanding prior to the distribution.

We expect to announce the final annual reinvested distribution amounts, as well as the ongoing cash distribution amounts, as applicable, for 2023, on or about December 22, 2023. The record date for the 2023 annual distributions will be December 31, 2023, payable on January 6, 2023. The actual taxable amounts of reinvested and cash distributions for 2023, including the tax characteristics of the distributions, will be reported to brokers (through CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. or “CDS”) in early 2023.

At a special meeting of unitholders of the of the ETF held on November 17, 2023, unitholders of the Fund approved the proposed change in trustee and manager of the ETF from BlackRock Canada to 1832 Asset Management L.P. BlackRock Canada expects that the change in trustee and manager will be implemented on or about December 3, 2023, subject to satisfying all closing conditions set out in the definitive agreement and obtaining the applicable regulatory and stock exchange approvals.

Details regarding the estimated distribution amounts are as follows:

Fund Name Fund Ticker Estimated annual
capital gains
per unit
Net asset
value (NAV)
per unit at
Oct 29, 2023
Estimated annual
capital gains
as % of NAV
Oct 29, 2021
Dynamic Active Tactical Bond ETF DXB 20.255483 0.00%
Dynamic Active Canadian Dividend ETF DXC 0.97030 31.810286 3.05%
Dynamic Active Global Financial Services ETF DXF 2.42991 38.403797 6.33%
Dynamic Active Global Dividend ETF DXG 1.49258 51.596535 2.89%
Dynamic Active Crossover Bond ETF DXO 0.36634 22.174660 1.65%
Dynamic Active Preferred Shares ETF DXP 23.792021 0.00%
Dynamic Active U.S. Dividend ETF DXU 4.64481 48.839845 9.51%
Dynamic Active Investment Grade Floating Rate ETF DXV 0.01238 20.232629 0.06%
Dynamic Active U.S. Mid-Cap ETF DXZ 0.74161 11.003900 6.74%

Further information on the Dynamic Active ETFs can be found at

Forward-looking information

This notice contains forward-looking statements with respect to the annual reinvested capital gains distributions for the Dynamic Active ETFs. By their nature, these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual distributions to differ materially from the estimated distributions set forth in this notice. Factors that could cause the actual distributions to differ from the estimated distributions between now and December 15, 2023 (the Dynamic Active ETFs’ tax year end) include, but are not limited to: the actual amounts of distributions received by the Dynamic Active ETFs; the actual amounts of capital gains generated from sales of securities; trading activity within the Dynamic Active ETFs, including buying and selling of securities; index changes which cause rebalancing within the Dynamic Active ETFs; and subscription and redemption activity.

About Dynamic Funds
Dynamic Funds is a division of 1832 Asset Management L.P., which offers a range of wealth management solutions, including mutual funds, actively managed ETFs, investment solutions for private clients, institutions and managed asset programs. 1832 Asset Management L.P. is a limited partnership, the general partner of which is wholly owned by Scotiabank. ® Dynamic Funds is a registered trademark of its owner, used under license.

Website: |Twitter:@DynamicFunds | LinkedIn:

About BlackRock
BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit | Twitter: @BlackRockCA

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investing in Dynamic Active ETFs. Please read the relevant prospectus before investing. The funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Tax, investment and all other decisions should be made, as appropriate, only with guidance from a qualified professional.  

Contact for Media:                
Reem Jazar                                                                

BlackRock Asset Management Can