Metapreneurs Launches NFT Project to Disrupt NFT Ecosystem

NEW YORK, Nov. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Metapreneurs have announced the launch of their novel NFT project. Metapreneurs is the biggest community of entrepreneurs in the Metaverse, created on the Ethereum blockchain.

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In the newly created Metapreneur Metaverse, NFTs and the blockchain combine to disrupt the perception of NFTs in the ecosystem. The whole Metapreneurs’ Metaverse will start from a limited collection of 11,111 unique NFTs.

These non-generative assets will each be custom-made from 180+ hand-drawn traits guaranteeing the uniqueness of each NFT. It is generally agreed that the Metaverse is the direction of the future. The metaverse helps us leap forward to open, interconnection, connection, and building user-generated networks.

Owning a Metapreneur will grant you access to an elite community of successful entrepreneurs and a never-ending list of utilities that come with many advantages and benefits.

The Metapreneurs roadmap includes access to exclusive courses from elite entrepreneurs in fields such as e-commerce, real estate, and crypto. Other things such as private events, airdrops, and a mobile application are also major benefits of holding a Metapreneur.

In 2023, The Metapreneurs will hold their very first exclusive mastermind in Bali. This event will only be accessible to holders of the NFT and will get a chance to network and connect with elite entrepreneurs as well as attend private parties.

The Metapreneurs are securing their headquarters in the metaverse.

The metaverse is a digital virtual world that requires the transfer of value. Ownership of on-chain assets and virtual identity are the primers for the environment. With NFTs gradually coming into mainstream adoption, the initial launch of the NFT interoperability standard is a flagship milestone in the opening of Metaverse’s interconnection.

Metapreneurs NFT holders will have access to the headquarters and be able to attend major events held in the metaverse.

The following are additional perks of the Metapreneurs NFTs


While blockchain offers some level of privacy and individuality, ERC-721 Tokens, in conjunction with a blockchain, can help determine the authentic non-fungible product. ERC-721 is thus useful to individuals who want to protect their intellectual property and to individuals concerned about product authenticity.

Social Networks

ERC-721 Tokens allow the creation of unique digital assets. While there may be little to work with at the time, their usability will grow. Breeding and social interaction can help boost the use case and enhance the growth of the ecosystem in which assets are domiciled.

Moving Forward

The Metaverse is blazing the trail for an ERC-721 revolution. This is because ERC-721 offers an opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to find solutions to complex real-life use cases.

Owning a Metapreneur will grant you access to an elite community of successful entrepreneurs and a never-ending list of utilities that come with many advantages and benefits. This will range from airdrops to private masterminds, and exclusive courses.

The company has detailed its plan in its roadmap available at; The company is also expected to announce an official date when it will begin minting on Discord soon. You can join their Discord channel

About Metapreneur

Metapreneur is the biggest community of entrepreneurs on the Metaverse, created on the Ethereum blockchain. The company has detailed its plan in its roadmap available at; The company is also expected to announce an official date when it will begin minting on Discord soon.

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Brand: The Metapreneurs



SOURCE: The Metapreneurs

The Metapreneurs