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OST receives DEI Champion of the Year designation

Each award category recognizes those who are leading in growth and innovation, strengthening the business community, enabling collaboration and connections, and accomplishing incredible endeavors with a focus on the future.  “These are the businesses and organizations that are making Grand…

REITIR: Rekstrarhagnaður 5.666 á fyrstu 9 mánuðum ársins 2023

Stjórn Reita fasteignafélags hf. hefur samþykkt árshlutareikning samstæðunnar fyrir fyrstu níu mánuði ársins 2023. Helstu lykiltölur reikningsins eru: Lykiltölur rekstar 9M 2023 9M 2020 Tekjur 8.682 8.134 Rekstrarkostnaður fjárfestingareigna -2.529 -2.428 Stjórnunarkostnaður -487 -467 Rekstrarhagnaður fyrir matsbreytingu 5.666 5.239 Matsbreyting…

Delta 9 Reports Financials for Q3 2023

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Nov. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DELTA 9 CANNABIS INC. (TSX: DN) (OTCQX: DLTNF) (“Delta 9” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce financial and operating results for the three-month and nine-month period ending September 30, 2023. Financial…